The anti-Oedipus of sculpture

One of the essential traits of sculpture appears to be its specific Oedipus complex. It is the original trauma linked to the maternal mass, which has to be “revealed” and formed: a mass that has to be raped, sculpted, cast, transported and erected; but it is also the trauma of the weight of the materials it is made from, clay, wood, plaster, stone, bronze, especially when it is associated with the idea of the death of sculpture, the assassination of the father who is killed because of his finiteness and unpredictable fragility.READ MORE

26 aprile 2018

”Del costruire cittá invisibili”

building invisible cities


opening evening 26/4/2018 ore 18.30

29 arts in progress gallery

via San Vittore 13, Milano



giovedí 8 giugno ore 18:00
studio De Zan
 via Brioschi 26   20136 Milano
dal 9 al 18 giugno 2017