Sculptures where Everything Flows

There has always been a creative tradition which passes from one discipline to another, without ever settling for a particular theoretical context, but which never loses sight of certain artistic experiences which have made this kind of expressive transmigration their linguistic identity. Sculpture and architecture have, in particular, always kept up a dialogue, both because they are close relatives – space and time are intrinsically linked to these two disciplines, to a much greater extent than any other field of design – and because the cultural background of the artists in question very often involves both professional areas. It may be written in the book of fate, either expressly or hidden between the lines of memory and thought; but in this case it is on the contrary evident, from every point of view. READ MORE


25 ottobre 2016

INAUGURAZIONE mostra personale di Isabella Angelantoni Geiger

Libreria Bocca – Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II Milano


galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

25 ottobre 20 novembre 2016

step art fair – milano scultura

7/8/9 ottobre 2016 – FABBRICA DEL VAPORE

via Procaccini 4, Milano


ingresso libero

venerdi 7 ottobre, dalle 18 alle 22

sabato 8 ottobre, dalle 12 alle 20

domenica 9 ottobre, dalle 12 alle 19